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Hello, I'm İlkin. I'm from Azerbaijan. With at least 5 years of experience in Minecraft Bedrock Edition add-on development, I've created numerous add-ons for various projects, including free, commercial, freelance, and private add-ons for friends. Currently, I hold the role of Lead Add-on Creator and Manager at Withercore Studios, where I also serve as the Community Manager. I adapt to different work environments, good in teamwork, and maintain open communication. Please feel free to check out my portfolio!


My full name is İlkin Qafarov. I am from Azerbaijan, 20 years old. Since childhood, I have been a technology enthusiast, wishing to become a programmer in the future. My journey started in my early teenage years when I began learning the basics of programming languages like C# and Python. Currently, I am on a streak of learning Kotlin

Contact information:


​Discord: @ikomaster   

Phone: +994508900115

Last updated: 1st of November, 2023

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